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Register to join our upcoming live webinars

Your new paperless workflow with Sage and TaxCycle

December 3, 2020

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST


Presenter: Anastasiia Moroz, Customer Success Manager, Sage and Elizabeth Kohl, Director, Communications and User Experience, TaxCycle

Description: Tired of dealing with boxes and boxes of paper? Trying to minimize contact touch points during COVID? Join us for a webinar as we show you how to eliminate paper from your full year workflow with AutoEntry, Sage Accounting and TaxCycle. From shoeboxes to tax filed, learn how to get invoices, receipts and expenses straight from your client’s hands into your accounting solution with AutoEntry. Then see how easy it is to reconcile these transactions in Sage Accounting, and get all that data automatically into TaxCycle, for significant time savings and simple tax filing straight with the CRA.