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Be part of a community that understands what you do

Whether you’re a student or an experienced professional, we know how important it is to feel supported throughout your career as a bookkeeping professional. CPB Canada is a national community of accounting professionals getting inspired, building meaningful connections, and taking their skills and knowledge to the next level.

Our regional meetings take place across Canada. Browse the list below to see if there’s a regional meeting community near you. Don’t see a regional meeting near you on the list? Contact us if you’re interested in starting a meeting in your area.

Notice: While most regional meetings are back in person, some will be offered online and available to any CPB Canada member that wishes to attend. 



Regional Chair(s)


Calgary Angelique McKenzie

Bonnie Jensen-Walker, CPB
Jessica Goodall

Lethbridge Alyssa Churchill, CPB
Hannah Heaton, CPB

Atlantic  Canada

New Brunswick    Tanya Roy, CPB
Nova Scotia Pamela Willis, CPB
Carmen Peckham, CPB

British Columbia

Victoria Richard Games, CPA, CA
Fraser Valley Rachel Devine, CPB
Prince George Kristin Thompson, CPB
Kootenay Boundary (Interior BC) Marloes van Lent, CPB
Sunshine Coast Rinette Lagace, CPB
Janet Shimizu, CPB


Winnipeg Kim Westervelt, CPB


Barrie Tara Cairns, CPB
Ottawa Diandra Whymns, CPB
Ryan Panchuk, CPB
Scarborough Jan Breuls-Dorang, CPB
St. Catharines/Hamilton Kimme Lafayette, CPB
Waterloo Region  Angela Boone, CPB
Kathy Zigby, CPB
Windsor Essex  Danielle Gadoury, CPB
Penny Brando, CPB



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