Mentorship Program

Unlock Your Potential With CPB Canada's Mentorship Program!

Building A Stronger Community

A strong professional community thrives on opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and development. The CPB Canada Mentorship Program fosters exactly that. Experienced mentors become positive role models, while mentees gain the unique advantage of working one-on-one with a seasoned Certified Professional Bookkeeper.

CPB Canada's new Mentorship Program is designed to foster professional growth and meaningful connections between new bookkeepers (mentees) and experienced professionals (mentors). Through one-on-one mentorship, participants gain valuable insights and practical knowledge while creating new and lasting networks.

This program is free and only available to members of CPB Canada. The mentorship program team hopes to match up to ten (10) mentor-mentee pairs for the September 2024 program.

Applications for the 2024 Mentorship Program are now closed.


Learn from experienced CPBs

Gain real-world expertise and practical knowledge to advance your bookkeeping career.

Build your professional network

Connect with experienced mentors, fostering valuable relationships within the CPB Canada community.

Develop essential skills and confidence

Receive personalized guidance and support to tackle challenges and solidify your bookkeeping skills.

Navigate your career path

Get strategic advice and mentorship to achieve your career goals, like starting your own firm or pursuing a specialization.


Share your expertise

Guide new bookkeepers and contribute to the next generation of the profession.

Build a supportive network

Connect with and support emerging bookkeepers, creating a strong professional community.

Develop leadership skills

Hone coaching and communication skills through mentorship.

Gain personal satisfaction

Witness the growth and success of your mentee and experience the rewards of mentorship.

Get CPD credits

By participating in the program, you will also have the opportunity to attain CPD credits toward the  maintenance of CPB Canada Certification Pathway Levels (this applies to both mentors and mentees).

How It Works

The CPB Canada Mentorship Program is designed to connect aspiring bookkeepers (mentees) with experienced CPBs (mentors) for a mutually beneficial six-month-long mentorship journey.

  • Applications: Mentors and mentees interested in participating can submit their applications from May 1st to May 31st.
  • Matching Process: The program team will carefully review applications, creating a maximum of ten (10) pairs for the program. Matching is based on factors such as experience level, industry specialization, and professional goals.
  • Introductions & Kick-Off: Once matches are confirmed, mentors and mentees will participate in a program kick-off orientation in early September, providing an opportunity to meet, discuss expectations and set goals for a rewarding mentorship experience.
  • Mentorship: From September to February, mentors and mentees meet a minimum of once per month to discuss professional development, address challenges, and explore career growth opportunities. 
  • Program Wrap-Up: The program concludes with a wrap-up session in February, allowing mentors and mentees to reflect on their achievements and celebrate their successes. 
  • Resource Guide: We're here to help you succeed! We've even created some great resources to support your journey! Access the resources here!

Program Timeline

Applications open	- May Applications reviewed and matches paired	- June Matches notified -	July Mentorship period -	September to February

Requirements for Participation


  • Certified Professional Bookkeeper (CPB)
  • CPB Canada member for more than three (3) years
  • A seasoned professional with five (5) or more years of work experience in bookkeeping
  • No ethics violations on record

Applications are now closed


  • Working toward the CPB designation
  • Seeking guidance and support from experienced mentors to gain valuable insights and best practices
  • Eager to learn and grow in the bookkeeping profession
  • No ethics violations on record

Applications are now closed

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is eligible to be a mentee?

    This program is designed to match newer bookkeepers with experienced Certified Professional Bookkeepers. Additional requirements are that the applicant is working towards their CPB designation, is seeking guidance and support from experienced mentors and has no ethics violations on record.

  • This program is designed to match seasoned CPBs (more than five years of work experience) with new bookkeepers. Additional requirements are that the applicant has been a CPB Canada member for more than three years and has no ethics violations on record.

    • Gain real-world expertise and practical knowledge from experienced CPBs.
    • Develop essential bookkeeping skills and build your confidence.
    • Navigate your career path and achieve your bookkeeping goals.
    • Build a strong professional network within the CPB Canada community.
    • Share your knowledge and expertise with a mentee and contribute to the future of their career.
    • Hone your coaching and communication skills through mentorship.
    • Learn from the mentee. As the profession evolves, the opportunity can help you stay sharp and learn new approaches you may not have considered before.
    • Experience the rewards of mentorship and witness the growth of your mentee.
  • No. This is a pilot year, where the focus is on quality matches instead of quantity. A maximum of ten mentor-mentee pairs will take part in the program.

  • Mentees are expected to:

    • Attend a program kick-off orientation (estimated 1 hour).
    • Work with their match to schedule all mentorship meetings
    • Meet with their match for a minimum of one hour per month throughout the program year (approximately 6 hours total).
    • Complete and submit feedback forms after each mentorship meeting.
    • Participate in the program wrap-up in February, openly sharing their experiences to assist the program team in the future development of the program.
  • The application period is open from May 1st to May 31st. You can access the application form on the CPB Canada Mentorship Program webpage.

  • The program team will review all applications and carefully create quality matches. All pairs will be notified in July. For any matches that are not successful, applicants may be contacted at a later date to participate.

  • The program team understands that not all matches will be perfect. We will work with you and your mentor to try to find a resolution. If, after working together, there's still a significant disconnect, we will do our best to find a new match for you within the program, if possible.

  • For further inquiries, please get in touch with the program team at