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We know how important it is to feel supported throughout your career as a bookkeeping professional. CPB Canada has established regional meeting communities across Canada where bookkeepers can share insights, keep up with industry updates and the latest in technology, and make meaningful connections with their peers. Not sure if there’s a meeting in your area? Find a regional meeting community near you.

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MB Winnipeg - Regional Meeting - Don't Wait Until Year End: Employee Taxable Benefits Are Important Year Round! - Virtual

July 11, 2023

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT


Join the Winnipeg region for a virtual regional meeting.

Don't Wait Until Year End: Employee Taxable Benefits Are Important Year Round!

Helping employees avoid tax surprises at year-end often boils down to how taxable benefits are managed throughout the year. Let's chat about how to include them in your regular workflows and how to properly set them up in Wagepoint. We will finish the presentation with a Wagepoint Partner Dashboard walkthrough!


Presenter: Bianca Mueller, CPB

Bianca is an award-winning Certified Professional Bookkeeper and Wagepoint’s Community Manager. Bianca elevates the importance of education through payroll, bookkeeping and compliance to set the bar for bookkeeping and accounting professionals across Canada.


When: Tuesday, July 11, 2023, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Where: Zoom (Virtual)

Contact: Regional Network Chair - Kim Westervelt, CPB - email: kimwestervelt@balncd.ca