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We know how important it is to feel supported throughout your career as a bookkeeping professional. CPB Canada has established regional meeting communities across Canada where bookkeepers can share insights, keep up with industry updates and the latest in technology, and make meaningful connections with their peers. Not sure if there’s a meeting in your area? Find a regional meeting community near you.

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AB Edmonton - Regional Meeting - How to Earn Your Next Million - In Person

June 21, 2023

5:15 PM - 8:15 PM MDT


The stress and overwhelm of day to day work and life can sometimes feel like being caught out in a stormy sea with waves crashing down from all sides leaving you struggling just to breathe, let alone swim in the direction of the success you ultimately want.

In this presentation Brent will paint a clear picture of how the powerful crashing waves of the old business success model can leave you struggling just to survive. He’ll introduce a way to shift your mindset and your action steps to allow you to summon the energy needed to rise above your stormy seas. You’ll learn how to begin to ride wave after wave towards the effective pursuit of your next million while you reclaim great health and build meaningful relationships with those that matter most.

The journey towards the calm waters of a successful business while fully living your ideal life begins with one small step. This presentation could be that much-needed step.


Presenter: Brent Haydey

Ideal Life Architect, Mentor & Coach
Brent is an avid adventurer, traveler, SCUBA diver, and runner. He loves the outdoors and embraces an active, healthy lifestyle. He is a family man with a business, not the other way around. Brent strives to be a living, breathing example of the work-life balance he so passionately helps others create and fully lives more and more of his ideal life with each passing day. His primary focus is helping people create freedom to be highly productive and successful at work while having the time and energy to live a balanced, meaningful and fulfilling life beyond work.

He achieves this with his online courses, a membership community, as well as private coaching.
Brent has come to be on this path through his formal background of a degree in exercise science and kinesiology, his 30+ year career evolution into life, health, executive, and business coaching, as well as his 25+ years of experience as an entrepreneur building four businesses.

Ultimately it was when he experienced an unfortunate trifecta of a business crash, several significant health challenges, and a personal relationship tragedy that his true calling became clear. Rising from those challenges, and the lessons learned over many years, he gained the insight necessary to rebuild his life and create the business that now helps countless others create the freedom they need to achieve and fully live their ideal lives!
“Change nothing and nothing changes!”


Meeting Agenda
•    Informal networking and meal service from 5:15pm-6:30pm (each attendee is responsible for their meal tab)
•    CPB Canada announcements and attendee introductions 6:30pm
•    Presentation – 7pm – 8pm
•    Informal networking and meeting adjournment 8pm-8:15pm

Location: The Mill Craft Bar & Kitchen  4810 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, AB T6H 5H5

Contact: Regional Network Chair - Bonnie Jensen-Walker - Email: bonnie@bonstar.ca 


Please note: Meeting spaces may have a minimum registrant requirement. Out of respect for the regional network chairs who arrange these meetings and the fees required to run them, if you register and are unable to attend, please email your cancellation notice to regionalnetworks@cpbcan.ca, so the event space and RNC can be notified accordingly.