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We know how important it is to feel supported throughout your career as a bookkeeping professional. CPB Canada has established regional meeting communities across Canada where bookkeepers can share insights, keep up with industry updates and the latest in technology, and make meaningful connections with their peers. Not sure if there’s a meeting in your area? Find a regional meeting community near you.

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BC Vancouver - Regional Meeting - An Overview of Wagepoint - In Person/Virtual

March 28, 2023

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PDT


Join us for a Wagepoint presentation which will include an overview of Wagepoint payroll software, partnership benefits and onboarding support, with guests: Melyssa Bohbot and Kelly Lowen. 

Please note in person attendance will be restricted to 10 people. If you would like to attend virtually, please email Maggie directly for a meeting link. 

1 block from Cambie & Broadway, Vancouver  - meeting location address will be circulated to registered participants prior to the event. 

Time: 4:30 pm - 6 pm - please feel free to bring your own drink/snack.  Water will be available.

•    Informal networking 
•    CPB Canada announcements
•    Introduction to Wagepoint

Regional Network Chair - Maggie Geiser - mgeiser@telus.net