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Learning that matters to our members

CPB Canada provides industry-specific learning to keep you informed about industry updates, business best practices, accounting practices, and more! Take a look at our upcoming events below.

AB Edmonton - Regional Meeting - IT Security as a Whole - In Person

August 16, 2023

5:00 PM - 8:30 PM MDT


Our goal with the presentation is to help members think about IT security as a whole. We want to help them understand what sort of threats exist today and how to keep safe. This will include steps to protect their own business data, their clients data, and how to work securely when trying to conduct business outside of the office.

We will also touch on what technology is in place today and will be coming in the future to help businesses like them stay secure.


Presenter: Mike Alexander

With over 13 Years of providing technology services, Mike is driven by client satisfaction. He works diligently to ensure clients are getting the most out of their technology infrastructure. His goal is to worry about client’s technology needs so they can do what they do best – run their company.


Presenter: Keith Martinot

Keith is a financial aficionado with more than a decade of experience working with managed service providers like Shift Support. He’s a problem-solving wizard, whether it be finances or working with his hands. He is here to help businesses think about how IT can help them thrive in a modern world.


Meeting Agenda
•    Informal networking and meal service from 5:00pm-6:30pm (each attendee is responsible for their meal tab)
•    CPB Canada announcements and attendee introductions 6:30pm
•    Presentation – 7pm – 8pm
•    Informal networking and meeting adjournment 8pm-8:30pm

Location: The Mill Craft Bar & Kitchen  4810 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton, AB T6H 5H5

Contact: Regional Network Chair - Bonnie Jensen-Walker - Email: bonnie@bonstar.ca & Regional Network Co-Chair - Tammy Piercy - tammy@bonstar.ca


Please note: Meeting spaces may have a minimum registrant requirement. Out of respect for the regional network chairs who arrange these meetings and the fees required to run them, if you register and are unable to attend, please email your cancellation notice to regionalnetworks@cpbcan.ca, so the event space and RNC can be notified accordingly.