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Call To Members: Compliance Investigation Committee

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Do you have an interest in ethics and discipline within your industry? CPB Canada is looking for volunteers to participate in its ethics and discipline complaint process as investigation committee members. Discretion and professionalism are a must.

CPB Canada’s Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct establishes standards for its Members which define a minimum level of appropriate and acceptable conduct in their employment and practice. The role of the investigation committee (IC) is to investigate complaints received about a Member of CPB Canada. The IC reviews any documentation it deems necessary, conducts interviews with both parties as well as any witnesses, and summarizes its findings and recommendations in a final written confidential report to the Ethics & Discipline Committee.

If you would like more information or are interested in applying to be added to our list of potential investigation committee members, please e-mail ombudsman@cpbcan.ca with the subject title ‘Application: Complaint Investigation Committee’, stating why you are interested in joining the committee while attaching your resume. We are also looking for members of the public who are members of a self-regulating professional or industry body, if you know of anyone who might be appropriate and interested we encourage you to have them contact CPB Canada at the above email.


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