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Congratulations to the 2024 IGNITE Bursary Winners!

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For over ten years, bookkeeping and accounting professionals have travelled across Canada to experience the IGNITE conference. Attendees not only learn from industry experts and stay informed, but they also build connections that can last a lifetime. CPB Canada knows the positive impact IGNITE can have on your network and career, so last year, we announced the launch of the IGNITE Bursary Program!

We are very excited to offer this program again this year, bringing all the benefits IGNITE has to offer to two very deserving members. We want to thank everyone who submitted applications. The decision made by staff and the IGNITE bursary subcommittee was not an easy one.

We are pleased to congratulate Ivan Mendez, CPB, and Jenifer Wiens as the winners of this year’s bursary! Here are a few words from our winners:

''I am very grateful to receive the bursary. This will be my first time at such an important event, which annually brings together the best accountants and bookkeepers across Canada. I hope that, with my attendance and participation, I can contribute something, however small it may be, to this exceptional community of professionals.'' - Ivan Mendez, CPB

“I am so elated to have won this bursary. My bookkeeping business is in its second year, and I have learnt so much by attending our regional CPB meetings. With the opportunity to attend the conference with this bursary, I know my knowledge and my business are going to grow. Being a new bookkeeper, I value the skills and tips I get to learn from those who have been in this field a lot longer than me. My plan is to learn from the best so that I can be the best. Thank you for this bursary - see you in Winnipeg!” – Jenifer Wiens

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