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2023 Distinguished Service Award

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The CPB Canada Distinguished Service Award is a Lifetime Achievement Award that recognizes a Certified Professional Bookkeeper (CPB) who has accomplished a significant achievement in their bookkeeping career through commitment, excellence, and innovation and who has made a significant contribution to their community, the bookkeeping industry and to CPB Canada.

The 2023 Distinguished Service Award recipient was Kerri Bouffard, CPB of Add-Vantage Bookkeeping ​, Ontario. Please help us congratulate her on this achievement.

Kerri Bouffard, CPB 

Getting her start working for a large children’s summer camp, Kerri has now been a bookkeeper for over 30 years, establishing her own firm, Add-Vantage Bookkeeping in 20023, and is celebrating 20 years in business this year. She has always strived to provide high quality bookkeeping and it was a natural move to join CPB Canada in 2013, obtaining her CPB designation right afterwards. She then became more involved with the organization by joining the board for a couple of terms.  Kerri works diligently to maintain her designation, continues her education and enhances her knowledge base at every opportunity.

Kerri was a very early adopter of cloud bookkeeping, having transitioned her own firm into the cloud in 2012.  Being a member of CPB Canada allowed her to begin to help fellow bookkeepers learn all the ins and outs of cloud bookkeeping, by way of conference presentations and webinars. She feels very strongly that collaboration is stronger than competition and loves the community that CPB Canada offers to all of its members.

Outside of Add-Vantage Bookkeeping, Kerri is a mother to three wonderful, almost fully grown children, a big floofy great pyrenese and most recently has added a total of three kittens to her household.  She also works closely in her community with animal rescue, regularly fostering puppies and kittens, helping the shelter by walking dogs, donating, assisting during large intakes and sponsoring fundraising efforts.

  • Categories:
  • Bookkeeping Excellence Awards