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2023 Emerging Leader of the Year Award

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The CPB Canada Emerging Leader of the Year Award was created to recognize a bookkeeper with two (2) years of experience or less who has demonstrated professional growth and success in bookkeeping in the past year, has proven to uphold the standards and ideals of CPB Canada, and has made outstanding contributions to CPB Canada, their community and their clientele.

The 2023 Emerging Leader of the Year Award recipient is Vanessa Arreaga - Sunshine Books Inc from Orillia, Ontario.

About Vanessa Arreaga

I was connected with Sunshine Books while taking a Business Administration course in 2021, and was eager for something more hands-on.  I have since gained invaluable knowledge and experiences through working with a wonderful team and completing the Trifold Bookkeeping Fundamentals & Advanced courses, and have felt incredibly welcomed as a beginner-intermediate bookkeeper in past conferences/meet-ups (such as Ignite 2022). 
I am looking forward to becoming CPB-certified in the future and connecting with more colleagues within this amazing community! 

  • Categories:
  • Bookkeeping Excellence Awards