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CRA: Assisted Compliance: A Canada Revenue Agency Initiative

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The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is listening to Canadians and improving services with the goal of being trusted, fair, and helpful by putting people first. The CRA is also committed to providing Canadians with the support and information they need to understand and fulfill their tax obligations.

Although most individuals and businesses in Canada file their tax returns and pay what they owe in full and on time, some taxpayers and business owners still need some guidance. Recognizing that the tax system is complex and that voluntary compliance costs less than enforcement, the CRA is launching the Assisted Compliance initiative. This initiative will enable the CRA to provide more support to taxpayers who simply need some assistance to comply.

What is the Assisted Compliance initiative?

The Assisted Compliance initiative is an evolution of taxpayer education activities that engages taxpayers with tailored information and individual support in order to help them become compliant. This initiative allows the CRA to reserve more comprehensive and traditional enforcement efforts, such as audits, for more serious or complicated cases. It’s an opportunity for us to reinforce the tax laws by taking an education-first approach to help taxpayers.

How does it work?

An officer will work directly with taxpayers who may have made mistakes when filing returns. They are subject matter experts and they will:

  • send a personalized letter outlining the potential tax issue;
  • follow up by telephone about two weeks later to give tailored information to the taxpayer to help them better understand their tax obligations; and
  • provide assistance and information on the steps to self-correct.


Need more information?

If an individual or business receives a letter, a CRA officer will call them to answer any questions they may have. They may also contact the assigned officer directly using the contact information in the letter to talk about any issues mentioned in the letter.

For more information about CRA letters and the Assisted Compliance initiative, go to Assisted Compliance initiative.


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  • Government