Teresa Slack, CPB, Director

Teresa (Terri) Slack offers clients the benefit of over 33 years of experience. She is not only knowledgeable in bookkeeping, but in accounting and system set up, business management, sales and marketing, customer service, staff training, policy and procedure, forecasting, staff leadership and mentorship. Teresa has a passion for Shopify and Amazon Accounting and loves to help business owners and the accounting professionals that love them solve their Shopify and Amazon Accounting headaches. E-Commerce Bookkeeping is complex, Teresa teaches how to make it easier! With such a well-rounded business skill set, Teresa can help clients with more than just their bookkeeping but can consult on their business operation as a whole. Teresa is a Certified Professional Bookkeeper and a proud member of the Intuit Trainer Writer Network. She is a speaker at many accounting conferences and does training webinars to help the accounting community as a whole. She is a trainer for Mark Wickersham's Value Price Academy and a member of Pure Bookkeeping. Teresa has a passion for helping our accounting community to become more successful and to raise awareness of the value of professional bookkeepers.

Teresa's volunteer work includes the Start Up Canada - Financial Literacy Seminars, Women on the Move - Financial Literacy for female entrepreneurs, Futurepreneurs - Financial Literacy for young entrepreneurs, CPB Canada - volunteer at conference and on 2 committees. Teresa's education includes being a Certified Professional Bookkeeper (CPB), Mohawk College - Business Administration, Customer Service Fellow and Life Management Institute graduate.