Collaboration Corner is an ongoing peer-to-peer member drop-in session where you can connect with other CPB Canada members to raise issues and address bookkeeping topics of interest. 2-3 experienced members will host each session.

CPB Canada encourages both experienced members and new members to use this platform to create community and ongoing support around a range of bookkeeping and related practice matters.

BC Sunshine Coast - Regional Meeting - Beyond Data Entry - Financial Statements, Budgets and Cash Flow for Small Business - In Person

March 13, 2025

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PDT


Many talk about bookkeeping becoming obsolete in the future. What may become obsolete in the bookkeeping industry is the data entry part which is most likely to become automated. Whereas, data analysis will not be automated. This ultimately means, that as bookkeepers, we need to understand how to use financial statements to provide the answers to the questions your clients are looking for.

The value bookkeepers bring is how we see all the data going in and out or perhaps where they should or should not be going, and they can provide real-time money-saving information.  

It is more about clearly identifying the information the client wants to know or needs to know to make important and timely decisions.  This means having your clients answer these two key questions: 1. What is it you want to know?  2. Why do you want that information? And for us to be able to provide the information.

Learning Level: Intermediate

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understanding the Balance Sheet and Income Statement
  2. Practical Uses of the Financial Statements. (Pricing margins, fixed costs, burn rate, etc.)
  3. When to Budget versus Cash Flow


Presenter: Janet Shimizu

Janet attained her CPB designation late in 2021 after over 15 years of learning from her mistakes. Janet has been budgeting since she was 10 and analyzing financial statements since she was 20. One of her earliest positions was budgeting at Xerox Canada Inc. Let’s take a practical look at financial statement analysis and how to help clients who know their questions, but too often cannot read the statements themselves.


Location: James & McIntyre Boardroom - Suite 25A - 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, BC, V7Z 3A0

Contact: Regional Network Chairs - Rinette Lagace, CPB - Email: & Janet Shimizu, CPB - Email:

CANCELLATION: Meeting spaces may have a minimum registrant requirement. Out of respect for the regional network chairs who arrange these meetings and the fees required to run them, if you have registered and are unable to attend, please email your cancellation notice to your local RNC or so the event space can be notified accordingly.